
Machine Learning to GenAI- Understanding every popular AI Jargon.

Artificial intelligence (AI) Artificial intelligence (AI) is essentially the intelligence of machines or systems. It is a branch of computer science that involves creating machines or intelligent agents with human-like thinking and behavior. AI-enabled systems can reason, learn, and act autonomously even going beyond human capability. AI is a broad term that uses data (information)…

Is Logistic Regression a regression model or a classification model?

Is Logistic Regression a regression model or a classification model?

Logistic regression is a Machine Learning classification algorithm that is used to predict the probability of certain classes based on some dependent variables.  There are many situations in the real world where we have binary outcomes. We will be interested in discrete output variables rather than continuous ones. Some of those situations consist of drug…

Generalization and Top Techniques for Cross-validation

Generalization and Top Techniques for Cross-validation

In this article, I’ll explain everything about generalization and cross-validation techniques used in machine learning. Generalization The success of any machine learning model is in the ability to generalize well on previously unknown data. This means that if we train a machine learning model, we don’t just want it to learn to model the training…

How to Handle Missing Data in Python? Simple to Advanced techniques

How to Handle Missing Data in Python? Simple to Advanced techniques

Data is often messy. Many times, statisticians and data scientists will be dealing with missing data that can affect the accuracy and reliability of data analysis. In this article, we will be exploring the reasons for missing data and uncover different methods to handle missing data in Python. Reasons for missing data Missing data can…

Logarithms and the reasons why they are crucial in machine learning

Logarithms and the reasons why they are crucial in machine learning

Logarithms were one of the topics that I had to study in school and undergraduate classes. Even though I loved mathematics, I didn’t particularly enjoy learning logarithms. Maybe because I didn’t learn or understand it the correct way. Right from the beginning of my machine learning journey, I saw logarithms frequently applied in machine learning….

Probabilistic Interpretation of Linear Regression

Probabilistic Interpretation of Linear Regression

We have already discussed linear regression in some previous posts. Linear Regression is a linear model that maps a linear relationship between independent variable/s (input features) (x) and dependent variable (y). A common approach uses a least square cost function $J(\theta)$ to fit the linear regression model. In this post, we will discuss the probabilistic…

Locally Weighted Linear Regression

In many real-world scenarios, we may not have complete knowledge or assumptions about the underlying data distribution. If the relationship between the variables can be approximated by a straight line, we can use linear regression. But if the relationships are more complex or nonlinear, other techniques should be adopted. Consider the problem of predicting y…