[PyTorch] CNN on CIFAR10 Image Classification
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[PyTorch] CNN on CIFAR10 Image Classification

In this article, we will be looking at how to build a Convolutional Neural Network for classifying images in CIFAR10 dataset. We will be using PyTorch for the implementation. Convolutional Neural Network A CNN is a deep learning technique commonly used for image classification tasks. It can recognize and classify particular features from images. At…

[PyTorch]Building Feed-Forward Neural Network with MNIST Dataset
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[PyTorch]Building Feed-Forward Neural Network with MNIST Dataset

We will be implementing a multilayer feed-forward neural network that can do handwritten digit classification based on the famous MNIST dataset. Introduction Artificial neural networks(ANNs), as the name implies, are inspired by the biological brain, and the nervous system. ANNs are computational systems that can learn to perform tasks by looking at examples without being…


Machine Learning to GenAI- Understanding every popular AI Jargon.

Artificial intelligence (AI) Artificial intelligence (AI) is essentially the intelligence of machines or systems. It is a branch of computer science that involves creating machines or intelligent agents with human-like thinking and behavior. AI-enabled systems can reason, learn, and act autonomously even going beyond human capability. AI is a broad term that uses data (information)…